Sunday, September 25, 2011

be impressed

I don't know why I do this to myself but I live my days in such a way that I might just maybe impress someone - the world - and not the right someone - Jesus. I saw this on this site and I stopped reading...I hope you stop reading too.

Monday, September 19, 2011

apple crisp

I am soaking up everything wonderful and beautiful about this new season. I have always been excited about the changing seasons but this is the very first season I have been able to enjoy it, since I am no longer taking classes! One way I enjoyed this change of season was in baking an apple crisp

Friday, September 16, 2011

fashion in fall

I would never call myself trendy or even that up to date with fashion. I think I try to stand out from everyone else by looking and dressing not by what society tells (shows) me, but by dressing in things that make me feel pretty and by wearing things that flatter my body. Not everyone has the same body type so not everyone should be wearing skinny jeans, you get my point? However, I felt a little twing of excitment when I broke down and bought new boots today. I bought them because my olds ones, well, they were literally falling apart and were very embarrassing - my husband thought the dog chewed them up. Nope, I'm just too cheap frugal with our money that I was waiting to buy new boots until I had extra cash.

So I went to our local second-hang store, Clothes Mentor, and spent a whopping $22 on these new (to me) boots. I am a little sad that I broke down and converted to fashion, but another part of me feels a bit more confident in who I am. Isn't that funny? I have to look like every other 20 something year old woman to feel more at peace with who I am as an individual? Someday I think I'll find a balance between being apart of the world yet standing out from it. But for now I am happy with my purchase and I am feeling even more ready for this cool weather...

Monday, September 5, 2011